Unchecking Google toolbar removes another one

  • Thread starter Thread starter Peter
  • Start date Start date


Strange thing happening here in IE6. I have the Google and Ebay toolbars.
When I right click to hide one or the other the operation swaps toolbars. I
unckeck Google, Ebay vanishes. I uncheck Ebay and Google vanishes.
I know I shouldn't be using these things but they come in handy.
Anything I can look at to sort it out?
Hi Peter,

Try this out -

Start one instance of IE

Right click on the IE toolbar and deselect both toolbars so that they are
hidden. Also if there are other toolbars that you have previously
un-installed (but they are showing on the toolbar menu as being displayed),
uncheck them also.

Close IE

The next time you open IE the toolbars should be back in order, but....

If that does not work....(you need to be familiar with making registry
changes here... find someone experienced if not)

Close all IE windows

Open your registry editor(Start>Run - Regedit) and find the key

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar\WebBrowser

and delete the value for ITBarLayout

Close the registry editor and start IE. It should display the default
toolbar layout with no add-ins. The toolbar selection should be corrected


Try un-installing and re-installing each of the toolbars.

I trust I have been of assistance.
i had the same problem with the Google toolbar and one i was
developing. I think google's toolbar do some mess up things when it
install. (i.e. previous versions reseted the whole layout and removed
any toolbar you had :S )

Camus SoNiCo
Hi Camus,
Its because they start the browser and display the toolbar on install. They
have not worked out itbarlayout properly.