An unbound form requires significantly more coding, usually using DAO or ADO
to open recordsets and manipulate the data. Does it abolutely need to be
I have found that opening a form for a single record is far easier
especially where a lot of fields of data need to be manipulated. I usually
set the form record source to blank and then set this property at startup
using a sql string in code. Rather than using the open with filter method I
open a form passing the record ID as an open argument. Also set the form
properties to not allow deletions, filters or additions. You can change the
additions setting in code for new records
Here is some air code. It is surely bad but will give you and idea.
Private Sub Form_Open()
If IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then
MsgBox "Cannot open."
Select Case Me.OpenArgs
Case "New"
Me.Form.AllowAdditions = true
Me.Form.DataEntry = true
Case IsNumeric
Me.Form.RecordSource = "SELECT Customers.* From Customers " _
& "WEHRE Customers.CustomerID = " & Me.OpenArgs
End select
End If
End Sub
If that doesn't work for you situation let me know.
Tony Vrolyk