unbound fields

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The check box must be bounded if you want the ability to select different
value for each record, unbound check box will select or unselect all the
records when you click it.

Mybe there is another option to do what you need if you'll specify the
reason for it.

e.g: Multi select list box
Can you explain a bit more, on what basis would you like to change it?
thanks for all who responded to my question that fast

i will describe the case i have

1 - i have a main form which contains som search criteria unbound columns.

2 - this form contains also a subform that contains the resultset of the
this subform contains an unbound Checkbox column to select specific records
from the subform .

3- i would lik to inform u that i tried to make this select column as part
of the query this subform based upon (actualy expresion column) but i also
did not work

thanks again for ur help
Either add a Yes/No field to the table, so you can bound the Checkbox to it.
Or change the subform to a list box with multi select.

If you add the Yes/No field to the table, run an update query every time you
open the form to update the field to false, so the records will apear as not

UPDATE TableName SET TableName.YesNoFieldName = False
The choice of listbox or yes/no field is up to you of course, and depends a
lot on what you are going to do with the data afterwards.

I'd recommend the yes/no field, and I have no better solution to your problem

Ofer said:
Either add a Yes/No field to the table, so you can bound the Checkbox to it.
Or change the subform to a list box with multi select.

If you add the Yes/No field to the table, run an update query every time you
open the form to update the field to false, so the records will apear as not

UPDATE TableName SET TableName.YesNoFieldName = False
thanks for all who responded to my question that fast
[quoted text clipped - 17 lines]