unbound datagridview

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vs2005 and vb.net

i have an unbound datagridview control

i am programatically adding data to it

the DataGridView.Rows.Add() function does not always add rows to the end of
the grid display and i want it to

when i ther using the .Insert(x) i always get an error that i can not insert
a new row when i have one with uncommited changes

i have searched and tried everything i can find...

to add to this...

when my form opens, there is one row in the grid

it appears with an '*' in the mark colum (that first column that shows an >
for the current record your on)

i assume this means the data in this row is not committed

i set values in this row

ive tried commitedit, endedit, validate, etc.. but i cant get the '*' to go

what do i need to do?

this datagridview is unbound
figured it out, my problem....

allower user to add records was checked and i didnt realize this property
was there

clue = .01 now