Unbound Control in Form not displaying - Help Please

  • Thread starter Thread starter Luis
  • Start date Start date


I have a report that needs to print a detail line item from an unbound
I read a database to populate this unbound control (see code below). However,
the problems that I'm having is that the vba code works correct meaning that
it retrieves the information but the report (unbound control) does not show
the information when the report print but it is in the unbound control.

Can someone give me guidance to enable me to print the detail line instead of
not printing anything?

Thank you for guidance.


Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
Call F35detailPoc(unboundF35Line)
Me.POC = unboundF35Line
End Sub

Function F35detailPoc(unboundF35Line)
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strRead As String

strRead = "SELECT [tblAwardFeeF-35contact].[F-35Contact] " _
& "FROM [tblAwardFeeF-35contact]" _
& "WHERE ((([tblAwardFeeF-35contact].Period)=" & Me.Period & ")" & "
([tblAwardFeeF-35contact].Phase)=" & "'" & Me.Phase & "')" & " AND ((
[tblAwardFeeF-35contact].EvaluationArea)=" & "'" & Me.EvaluationArea
& "')" &
" AND (([tblAwardFeeF-35contact].[Item No])=" & Me.Item_No & "))"

Set dbs = CurrentDb()
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strRead)
With rs
Do Until rs.EOF
Debug.Print "rs field = " & rs![F-35Contact] &
unboundF35Line = unboundF35Line + rs![F-35Contact] &
End With

Set rs = Nothing
End Function
Hello "Luis".

Luis said:
I have a report that needs to print a detail line item from an
unbound control.
I read a database to populate this unbound control (see code below).
However,the problems that I'm having is that the vba code works
correct meaning that it retrieves the information but the report
(unbound control) does not show the information when the report
print but it is in the unbound control.

Can someone give me guidance to enable me to print the detail
line instead of not printing anything?


I suggest using the format event instead of the print event, because
probably the control was blank and shrinked already before the print
Also, be sure that the report contains at least one record, or move
the control to a section that can be displayed also when the report
contains no data.