Windows XP Unbootable Boot Volume BSOD

Jun 20, 2006
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I have serious problem with one of my laptops, each time i try to boot windows xp its keep coming up with Unbootable boot volume BSOD, it started to happen when lego lightstorms was installed on the laptop. I have a lot of computer knowledge, i tested out the hard drive of any problems or damages but its clean, also the ram.

I have tried to use Windows Recover Console but the disk doesn't go any further than the loading screen. the laptop justs turn off doesn't restart. I know it nothing to do with the windows disk i have use 10 different cds.

Please help me with some information

Thanks Sir Entente
Please post the BSOD exactly as on the screen ... and the Laptop is a ???

One clue here is the "boot volume" ... MS are cross-eyed and got things a little backwards in their terminology of Boot volume & System volume ... all this is leading me to believe that you have a corrupted Kernel image and or device driver damage.

As you cannot get the Recovery Consol to load and you have access to another PC/Laptop I would suggest you copy any data you need saving and format the HD using Disk Managment of the Host computer.

Not sure why you cannot get the Recovery Consol to load?
