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John Osmond

It amazes me that I'm not able to print the results of file search.
KnowlegeBase has nothing, none of you "experts" on this board have anything.

Windows sucks.
Thats not true John,

If you want to print the results of a file search just use the basic DOS
command, ie DIR > LPT1:
- or if you want this file saved type "DIR > C: \directorylog.txt" - you can
then print this out to a network printer.

Hey Presto!

See other post, in this newsgroup:

----- Begin Message Header -----
From: "John Osmond" <john AT gulfaerospace DOT com>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.win2000.file_system
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 02:36 PM
Subject: Printing Search Results
Message ID: ----- End Message Header -----

: "John Osmond" <john AT gulfaerospace DOT com>
: Wrote in message : Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 08:57 AM
: It amazes me that I'm not able to print the results of file search.
: KnowlegeBase has nothing, none of you "experts" on this board have anything.
: Windows sucks.
Paul, thanks for your response, but DIR in DOS doesn't allow me to look for
files that contain certian text. In fact, the options are almost
non-existant. The Windows file search has good search options, but the
results are a snapshot only. No ability to print, save -- nothing.

As I stated: Windoze Sucks!
Actually Daniel,

This comment isn't going to help either. Why don't we just just to to help
the chap and if we can't then we can't. Simple eh.

Actually Paul,

I agree with Daniel. One generally does not call a dentist a piece of shit
just before said dentist grabs his pliers. If you don't like Windows, in
whatever flavor, fine ... but please do not walk into a Windows help group
and loudly disclaim said hatred and then ask for help. You might walk out
missing a molar as opposed to a simple cleaning. Windows tain't perfect, but
it does pay my mortgage, and having worked in several OSs, it ain't as bad
as some I have seen.

Now for John ...

If you had spent a little bit of time doing some reading, you would have
found what you needed. The Resource Kits provide UNIX commands that may make
you mess your panties with joy; though probably not. You can also use the
command line function "findstr". This DOS function is defined nicely using
"HELP" from a command line followed by "findstr ?". Oh ... and there is also
"find", "fc" and many others ... but you wouldn't know that since you didn't
use help before you hollered.
No, it will help this newsgroup Paul. John is obviously beyond help, or not
really looking for help, and time spent answering him or wading through
those responses is unquestionably time wasted.