I was setting up a new, replacement computer.
Transferring data files from old to new, using a USB flash drive. Worked fine
for the first 64 MB. When I plugged it into the XP system it didn't even ask
for a driver. Next time when I plugged it in the keyboard locked up and a Found
New Hardware Wizard came up. Couldn't do anything. Ctrl-Alt-Del does nothing.
Reset. Press Del to get into the BIOS to make it boot from the CD for Windows
Repair. Key press is ignored. Can't get into the BIOS. Pressing F8 or F6 does
nothing. OS still trying to set up new hardware. Auto Start on CD fails to find
the driver and Wizard says Failed because it can't find driver. Reset. Back to
Wizard trying to set up New Hardware. USB Flash drive has been removed.
Put in a different drive with multiple users with passwords. Can't select a
User. Still can't get into BIOS. Mouse and keyboard do not work.
My guess is the BIOS is fried. Right? So what do I do now?
Transferring data files from old to new, using a USB flash drive. Worked fine
for the first 64 MB. When I plugged it into the XP system it didn't even ask
for a driver. Next time when I plugged it in the keyboard locked up and a Found
New Hardware Wizard came up. Couldn't do anything. Ctrl-Alt-Del does nothing.
Reset. Press Del to get into the BIOS to make it boot from the CD for Windows
Repair. Key press is ignored. Can't get into the BIOS. Pressing F8 or F6 does
nothing. OS still trying to set up new hardware. Auto Start on CD fails to find
the driver and Wizard says Failed because it can't find driver. Reset. Back to
Wizard trying to set up New Hardware. USB Flash drive has been removed.
Put in a different drive with multiple users with passwords. Can't select a
User. Still can't get into BIOS. Mouse and keyboard do not work.
My guess is the BIOS is fried. Right? So what do I do now?