Free Spirit;
How did you Uninstall? Do you mean DELETE? Open Help/type: add
program/click the arrow.
Unistalling does not remove the setup file from your machine.
I think this might apply to you:
{What can I do if Spybot-S&D already starts scanning, and exits immediately
This could happen if you enable all of the Program automation settings (to
auto-close the program after scan on program start will be removed in the next
And due to a bug not reproducable but happening, during some installs random
instead of the default settings are applied. In that case, all Automation
options could be enabled, forcing the program to scan and exit automatically
afterwards. As this will not even allow you to enter the program, you need to
reset the settings. There are two ways to do this:
1. You can delete the configuration file (which is named Configuration.ini).
Where it is located depends on your Windows version...
For Windows 95/98, the file is located in C:\Windows\Application Data\Spybot -
Search & Destroy\.
For Windows ME, the file is located in C:\Windows\All Users\Application
Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\.
For Windows NT/2000/XP, you will find it in C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\.
Either delete that file, or edit it (for example in notepad), and set all the
Automation values in it to zero.
2. You can download a small tool that will do those changes for you: .}
Hope this helps. Let us know.