unattended install on ibm pc300gl

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I am using the unattended installation for windows 2000 server by
using this method (http://www.willowhayes.co.uk/windows2000/index.htm)for
quite some time on desktop.

The cd is booting fine on dELL desktops.
Now i have got a issue with some IBM PC 300 GL(machine/model:
6563-t2g) desktop. They are P3.
The custom unattended windows 2000 CD doesnt boot from this desktop. I
have updated the BIOS and even tried other boot CD like normal DEbian
boot cd and normal Microsoft Server CD which works OK.

I have about dozen desktop to build this and need to find how to burn
the CD that these desktop can understand.

thanks for the help.
Hi !

Check if you have the appropriate mass storage drivers in your unattend
setup !!!

Look the question just before ... You will probably find your answer !

Hugo said:
Hi !

Check if you have the appropriate mass storage drivers in your unattend
setup !!!

Look the question just before ... You will probably find your answer !


Mass storage controllers for a 300GL ? Get real. The issue is a read
compatibility issue between the CD-Rom drive and the CD media. He can't boot
from that burned CD, the installation was never launched. The CD was never
read or even detected.

You might want to follow your own advice and read the post next time.