I expesienced the stranges thing. I have a laptop and a
desktop computer. Both with XP Pro. I use an external
FireWire disk that I use on both the computers. All files
created before reinstallation on June 20th are accessable
on both. But all new files or folders will not be accessed
on the machine that didn't create them.
If I create a folder on the laptop, the desktop can't
access it and vice versa. I believe this is a security
issue and that there is a setting I don't know about. Both
computers are logged on as administrators.
desktop computer. Both with XP Pro. I use an external
FireWire disk that I use on both the computers. All files
created before reinstallation on June 20th are accessable
on both. But all new files or folders will not be accessed
on the machine that didn't create them.
If I create a folder on the laptop, the desktop can't
access it and vice versa. I believe this is a security
issue and that there is a setting I don't know about. Both
computers are logged on as administrators.