Unable to view workgroup, can't connect to other computers

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Preface and disclaimer: I am /very/ much a novice with computer systems, but
there really isn't anyone else to take this on at my office. If anyone can
help me out, I'm going to need fairly detailed explanations of where to go
and exact steps of how to do things. It's all too likely that I won't know
what is meant with a 'have you tried XXX?' question.

On Tuesday, my computer suddenly wouldn't connect to the other computers in
my LAN. When I clicked on 'View workgroup computers' it gave an error beep
and wouldn't open. No error message or anything, just the beep and a lack of
anything else. I could still print through the LAN and reach the internet.

I reset the network connection through the Network Setup Wizard... nothing
changed. I browsed through a number of posts on this forum and found what
appeared to be a solution with this process:

Network Connections - LAN Connections - Properties - Internet Protocol -
Advanced - WINS - Enable NetBIOS Over TCP/IP (it had been set on the default)

Once I rebooted my computer, I could access the other computers, though the
hourglass symbol popped up as it seemed to check the connection about every 3

Things were fine until this morning, Thursday. When I got to work, again,
the same situation. I checked the Enable NetBIOS I had changed before and it
is set as I left it. Other computers can access mine with no trouble.

I did some more browsing through posts and have checked on a few things:
From the command prompt:
Net view -- correctly lists the connected computers
Net view \\samplecomputer -- correctly lists the connections to the
individual computer
I can ping the individual computers by name and it connects just fine.
Simple file sharing is enabled.
I tried ipconfig /all. Here are some of the results:
Node type : Unknown (I saw a post that said this is the default and ok)
IP Routing enabled: No
WINS Proxy Enabled: No
Dhcp Enabled: No

I pulled up an error log and noticed a few things that I thought might be
pertinent (some are from today, some from Tuesday, though most are the same
on both days):

THE DHCP Client service depends on the AFD Networking Support Environment
service which failed to start because of the following error: A device
attached to the system is not functioning.

The TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper service depends on the [same as previous one].

The IPSEC Services service terminated with the following error: A socket
operation encountered a dead network.

The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load: AFD

The AFD Networking Support Environment service failed to start due to the
following error: The specified driver is invalid.

The Network Location Awareness (NLA) service depends on the AFD ....
specific driver is invalid.

Could not load MRxSmb device driver.

Could not load RDR device driver.

The Workstation service terminated with the following error: The system
cannot find message text for message number 0x%1 in the message file for %2.

The Computer Browser service depends on the Workstation service which failed
to start [...]

The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load: MRxSmb

The TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper service depends on the NetBT service which failed
to start because of the following error: A device attached to the system is
not functioning.

The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load: NetBT
[Tuesday-only error]

Sorry there's so much here, I’m trying to cover as many bases as possible...
but help would definitely be appreciated! I'm pretty much at a loss for what
to try next.
