Unable to view content on an Web Page

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I have been having a problem attempting to view a particular website,
www.startingovertv.com. When I enter this into the URL address line in IE 6.0
all I get is a blank screen with some color background and the Privacy and
Terms of Use links at the bottom - but no content is shown. I am running
Microsoft XP, Service Pack 1. I have checked all of the Internet Options and
compared with another machine that is running Windows 2000. That machine has
no problem viewing the site and all of the options are identical with my
It would appear that the problem is with MS XP and some settings or
downloads that I do not have on my system.
Can anyone suggest how I can proceed to correct this problem?
Works fine on my copy of XP. Have you installed the software you need to
view the page (Flash, etc.)? Check with the webmaster to see what you
need to install.
Thanks for your prompt reply to my problem. There is no Webmaster associated
with this website. It's basically one of NBC's websites and while they have
some extensive Privacy and Terms of Use information, they do not provide any
sort of Customer Support capability.

I had also thought about the need for additinal software to run this
website, however, I'm not sure what is really required. I took a look at the
Source HTML file but it seems to have some proprietary type constructs that
may rquire the additional software you mention. How can I determine what
software is needed to be downloaded to run the website if in fact that is the
problem I am experiencing.

Mike Weinreb
Almost all of that page, the main bit at the top, and the bottom banner ad
are both Flash.
Make sure you have Flash installed -
(Make sure you uncheck the Yahoo toolbar bit)

If you have Flash installed, make sure you don't have a third-party tool
that's blocking Flash, such as some toolbar or pop-up blocker.

If you are still running WinXP SP-1, I suggest you update to SP-2 for
security reasons:
http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/sp2/default.mspx ....and that support
for SP-1 ends October 10th, 2006.
Thanks Joe - well I have tried twice to download both Adobe Flash Player 9
(ActiveX) and Adobe Shockwave Player (Version and view the
www.startigovertv.com website both times with negative results, i.e. the
webpage does not display properly.
In both of the download attempts, while the two programs did get installed,
they did not "pass" the successful download and install test that Adobe has
established: an animated sequence or video presentation at the conclusion of
the respective downloads. I further went tot he Adobe Support Center site and
tried to test the Flash player with negative results; the computer simply
stops sending or receiving information over the internet connection and never
completes. The connection is still active but there is no traffic over it. I
have ZoneAlarm installed and tried to run the test with it active and with it
terminated. In both cases the data packet transfers just seemed to stop. This
seems to be the exactly the prollem with the end of the download sequences
that I ran.
I've also tried to sun Video links from other websites and I have been
unsuccessful in getting them to run; they seem to hang up and the data
transfers just drop off to zero.
Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that the 56KBPS connection is the
prmary cause of all of my problems; it cannot support any sort of video
processing. Would you agree with this and should I just give up trying to get
this to work?

Incidentally, your " uncheck the Yahoo toolbar bit" hint when downloading
the Shockwave Flash player never came up in either of the downloads I tried.
It seems the Link you provided produces a different download webpage when you
access it from Windows XP vs. Windows 2000 which does show the Yahoo toolbar
Do you have any toolbar or other helper application that blocks Flash? Some
toolbars that block pop-ups also have a Flash-blocker.

Completely uninstall any Flash you currently have and try to reinstall:

More info http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=tn_19166

See this site for .reg file to make sure Flash is enabled in the registry:
http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_tweaks.htm - line 363 on the left.
Download to your desktop and double-click to merge to your registry or right
click and choose Merge - or Edit to see exactly what modifications it will
make to your registry.

Check your security settings - Tools...Internet Options...Security tab,
click Internet Zone, click Custom, and make sure automatic downloads are
enabled. Ensure that "Download Signed ActiveX controls" and "Run ActiveX
controls and plug-ins" are not disabled.

If you are behind a proxy server or are in an administered network
environment - they may be blocking Flash.

If you are trying to install via a web page, try installing via the
downloadable installer:
http://www.macromedia.com/go/full_flashplayer_win_msi or
http://www.adobe.com/go/full_flashplayer_win_ie - current version

This is a silent installer - you will get no feedback if the install is
successful. You can check for your Flash install status here:

Tools...Manage Add-ons...change menu to "Add-ons that have been used by IE"
and make sure that "Shockwave ActiveX Control" and "Shockwave Flash Object"
are set to "enabled".

Try posting your issue to the Macromedia Flash support forum:
As you'll see, you are not alone in having trouble installing Flash, and
they have support engineers there monitoring the group.