Hi Steve
Along with all the other good suggestions, you might also take a look at the
Zone Alarm Pro can prevent animation from working. If you have it installed
open the program, go to the Privacy Tab and click on the custom button. Be
sure that the option to block animation is turned to OFF. If you don't have
ZA Pro, then disregard.
Animated GIFs don't work:
Why don't my animated gifs animate?
Other programs such as @Guard can disable animated .gifs, therefore, be sure
no programs are set to disable gifs..
Make sure your .gifs are associated to Internet Explorer. Click on a .gif in
windows explorer, IE should open to display it. :
Try Doug Knox's script utility:
IE>Internet Options>Advanced tab>Multimedia section>"Play animations in web
pages">Apply>OK out.
Go to Start>Run and type in the window:
regsvr32.exe /i shdocvw.dll (all versions of IE) ... and then
regsvr32.exe /i shdoc401.dll (IE5 upwards)
If using WindowsME the command is:
regsvr32.exe /i thumbvw.dll
You should soon see a *succeeded* dialogue box after each command.
Click ok, and then reboot
Hope this helps
MS MVP - Windows (IE/OE)
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