Unable to use out look with Cached Exchange Mode enabled

  • Thread starter Thread starter ngjunkie0011
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A user received a brand new PC with a fresh rebuild of win XP.

Now her outlook won't log in when "Cached Exchange Mode" is enabled.

The first time I started her outlook it wouldnt go in so I went to
control panel, then mail, went to her profile and unclicked "Use
Cached Exchange Mode".

This seems to solve the problem however were supposed to enable that

Anyone has any ideas why "Cached Exchange Mode" doesn't work for this

Her PC is brand new and only has about a week's worth of e-mails.
Does she have enough rights to save the oft file?

Maybe her oft file is corrupt.
You may want to close outlook.
Search her machine for all oft files (*.oft) Search hidden files.
Delete all that you find.
Open outlook again and see if it will build a fresh oft file.

Nikki Peterson
Nikki said:
Does she have enough rights to save the oft file?

I don't see why you think that template files (.oft) have anything to do
with it. Cached Exchange mode uses OSTs. However, investigating
permissions is what I'd do as well.
I dont know why but I posted this message on google newsgroups but I'm
unable to view any replies.

I'm accessing the newsgroup from verizon and I can see all replies without a
problem. Go figure.

Anyways, now we're going somewhere.

Anyone knows how to create an OST file?

And what is the usual place in a default isntallation of outlook that the
OST file should be placed?

Is it completely safe for me to delete the OST file? What info is contained
in that file?

Thanks in advance for all your replies!!!!!!!

I will try finding the OST file tomorrow.
ngjunkie0011 said:
Anyone knows how to create an OST file?

Outlook will automatically create an OST if you start it with an Exchange
account configured in Cached Exchange mode or with Offline Folders enabled.
And what is the usual place in a default isntallation of outlook that
the OST file should be placed?

By default, the OST will be created in the same directory as the offline
address book files,
%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook but that can
be changed.
Is it completely safe for me to delete the OST file? What info is
contained in that file?

With Outlook closed, it is safe to delete. It will be recreated when
Outlook runs again. The OST contains a copy of the Exchange mailbox as it
existed when Outlook was most recently connected.
Thank you all for your replies!!! I fixed it!!!

As everyone suspected, it had to do with the OST.

The problem is the configuration for the "offline folders" pointed to a
mapped drive that the user no longer had access to. A fresh copy of the OS
was installed on the user's PC and with it went the configuration for the
mapped drive.

I pointed the offline folder to the PATH described in the message below and
now it works like a charm!!!!!