Unable to Update Field

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Stupid Question

OK, this is a stupid question but I'm trying to auto fill
a filed with data using after update: me.suspense =
me.date - 30 (Acess XP, I'm used to 2000)

After I update the date field, it tells me "Field can't
be updated" for suspense and when I try to manually
update the suspense field, it tells me the field can't be
updated. I look at the field properties and locked is
set to no.

Any ideas? Important: my tables are actually linked
excel spreadsheets and this is the only way I can do
this. I'm pulling data from another database that I
don't have access to the back end and the only way to
pull the data out of it is to place it in an excell
Likely your query is not updatable. In order for a query to be updatable, a
number of things must be present in (or absent from) the query. See these MS
Knowledge Base articles for more info about updatable queries:

ACC2000: Cannot Edit or Update Record on a Form

ACC2000: Status Bar Displays "Recordset Not Updateable" Message When You Try
to Update a Linked Table

INFO: Troubleshooting Errors That May Occur When You Update Data in Queries
and in Forms

ACC: Update Query Based on Totals Query Fails