Unable to to start some MSN Features

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I have Microsoft Broadband Base. Also I have cable connection. I have MSN 5.0. My problem is establishing connection with voice conversation, send and share files, and share applications. In the mean time I am able to use remote assistant. I have a home network. I can use send and share files and Share applications but not voice conversation, but this is only within my home network. Obviously there is an issue here. I have disabled the firewall on my MS Broadband base, but still it will not work Does any one has any suggestion.

Best Regards
Try useing windows messenger,open msgr.,tools/options,
set up voice contact.You should get the windows msgr
add in for xp,it contains msn explorer/messenger avail-
ability modes w/o useing either.Go to microsoft.com,
search,advanced search,type:XP Windows Messenger
then in, check for search bar type:Add In
-----Original Message-----
I have Microsoft Broadband Base. Also I have cable
connection. I have MSN 5.0. My problem is establishing
connection with voice conversation, send and share files,
and share applications. In the mean time I am able to use
remote assistant. I have a home network. I can use send
and share files and Share applications but not voice
conversation, but this is only within my home network.
Obviously there is an issue here. I have disabled the
firewall on my MS Broadband base, but still it will not
work Does any one has any suggestion.