Unable to start Windows XP

  • Thread starter Thread starter Marc
  • Start date Start date
Sorry but if its at startup, only remedy would be
to "reinstall" win xp pro. usually they will have
a "repair" option when you go to reinstall it
or "reinstall without format" which will overrite all
your windows files but keep any addition stuff you might
have on your computer or in the Documents and Settings

Now if someone could just help me with my
To do a repair install:
the operating system from the CD-ROM,

When the computer starts from the CD, the system checks your hardware

and then prompts you to select one of the following options:

To set up Windows XP now, press ENTER.

To repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery Console, press R.

To quit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3.

Press ENTER.

Press F8 to accept the Licensing Agreement.

A box lists your current Windows XP installation, and then the system

prompts you to select one of the following options:

To repair the selected Windows XP installation, press R.

To continue installing a fresh copy of Windows XP without repairing, press

Press R to start the automatic repair process. After repairing Windows XP,

you may need re-download all updates, starting with SP1, then others ,
three or four at a time.
Hi, Marc.

Check this KB article:

How to Recover from a Corrupted Registry That Prevents Windows XP from

That file \Windows\system32\config\system (note that "system", with no
extension, is the name of the file in the config folder) is the main part of
the Registry, so WinXP can't load without it. There is a backup of it,
named system.sav, but it usually is not up to date and may not work
properly. If you are desperate, you can use the Recovery Console to copy it
and see if it works.

Note that the KB 307545 procedure is a pretty heavy-duty recovery process.
You may prefer to reinstall WinXP, as the others have said. You could do an
in-place upgrade, but I'm not sure how well this works if the System file is
missing or corrupted. Instructions for that are at:

How to Perform an In-Place Upgrade (Reinstallation) of Windows XP

Usually the in-place upgrade preserves installed applications, but if the
Registry is damaged, it may not be able to do that.

This worked for a while, though for some reason it's only
a matter of time before it goes corrupt again...

Get to the console, as set out below, then

change directory to your system, ie

cd ..
cd windows\system32\config
copy c:\windows\repair\system
Y to overwrite

This copies the emergency system file to the config
directory. You may need to reconfigue some installs or
something after this.
Same Problem

On Thurs nite last I was working as normal on the PC I logged off. On fri AM I logged back on to find that Windows XP would not load. We have tried everything from what has been described here to, System Restore Safe Mode and Safe mode with prompting.

I have followed the instructions as per below and I can hear the CD loading, once loaded it gives me the following options as you described

>To repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery
Console, press R.

>To quit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3.

But each option I select it comes up with the same response:

'Setup did not find any heard disk drives installed in your computer. Make sure any hard disk drives are powered on and properly connected to your computer and that any disc related hardware configiration is correct. This may involve running a manuf supplied dianotsic set up programme.

Set up cannot continue. To quit setup, press F3'

I have also tried F10 where it brings up a Blue window for about 10-20 minutes, then a dark blue window appears stating:

'A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer'


'If this is the first time you've see this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:

'Then it talks about if new hardware has been installed properly. If problem continues to remove and reinstall it. '

Then it shows this Technical info
**STOP: OXOOOOOO7A (OxE1218528, OxC0000185, OxBF8EOA3E, Ox03FE8860)

*** win32k.sys - address BF8E0A3E base at BF800000, Datestamp 3d6de5e5

I have searched in Google for the above codes to see if there are any solutions but cannot make head or tail of it

I'm at my wits end with it as has files I need to obtain for my wedding preparations this year. I am really in need of someones help

we removed all printers and USB's etc just incase.

Tim Vanderbom said:
This worked for a while, though for some reason it's only
a matter of time before it goes corrupt again...

Get to the console, as set out below, then

change directory to your system, ie

cd ..
cd windows\system32\config
copy c:\windows\repair\system
Y to overwrite

This copies the emergency system file to the config
directory. You may need to reconfigue some installs or
something after this.

>-----Original Message-----
>To do a repair install:
> the operating system from the CD-ROM,
>When the computer starts from the CD, the system checks

your hardware
>and then prompts you to select one of the following

>To set up Windows XP now, press ENTER.
>To repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery

Console, press R.
>To quit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3.
>Press ENTER.
>Press F8 to accept the Licensing Agreement.
>A box lists your current Windows XP installation, and

then the system
>prompts you to select one of the following options:
>To repair the selected Windows XP installation, press R.
>To continue installing a fresh copy of Windows XP

without repairing, press
>Press R to start the automatic repair process. After

repairing Windows XP,
>you may need re-download all updates, starting with

SP1, then others ,
>three or four at a time.
>Steve C. Ray
>Replace "mail" with "36db"
> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> Sorry but if its at startup, only remedy would be
>> to "reinstall" win xp pro. usually they will have
>> a "repair" option when you go to reinstall it
>> or "reinstall without format" which will overrite all
>> your windows files but keep any addition stuff you

>> have on your computer or in the Documents and Settings
>> Folder.
>> Now if someone could just help me with my
>> problem.............
>> >-----Original Message-----
>> >How can I fix "missing or corrupt:Windows\sys32
>> >\config\system" at startup?
>> >.
>> >
