Unable to start debugging on the web server

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Hi, All:

When I tried to run a web project on the web server from my local machine, I
allways get this message:

"Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging on the web
server. The debugger is not properly installed. Run setup to install or
repair the debugger."

I checkecd web.config file, the debug set to true, and I am a member of
administration group.

Any Ideas?

Please check debugging with console application,if it gives the same
error message "The debugger is not installed properly " then may be .net
framework is not installed properly, so you need to register "mscordbi.dll "
manually by executing
"regsvr32 mscordbi.dll"

if you are not getting the error message with the console application then
it may be security issue.


I tried console application, debugger works fine, but still not working on
web application. I've also register the "mscordbi.dll " file, no help. Any
other possibilities?

I thought it might be the security issue, I am already in the admin group,
what else could be?

Thank you very much for your time.