Unable to Send Word Document as Body in ASP (Win2003)

Sep 22, 2005
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My ASP Code to Send a Fax on the Fax Servers' Web Server (so the fax server and the webserver are the same).

toNumber = request.querystring("toNumber")

Set objFaxServer = Server.CreateObject ("FaxComEx.FaxServer")
Set objFaxDocument = Server.CreateObject ("FaxComEx.FaxDocument")
objFaxServer.Connect ""
objFaxDocument.Priority = 1
objFaxDocument.ScheduleType = 0
objFaxDocument.Body = "C:\wwwroot\SquireFax\Faxes\F\fake-test, johnny\initialLetterToAttorney.doc"

response.write "Sending Fax..."
JobID = objFaxDocument.ConnectedSubmit(objFaxServer)
response.write "Fax Sent"

Sending Fax...
FaxComEx.FaxDocument.1 error '80070002'

Operation failed.

/sendfax.asp, line 26

The fax printer is shared with everyone getting full access to it.

I have word installed. I checked that the file association supports the printTo Verb, as in the Win2k3 Documentation. Its settings are:

Application Used: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\WINWORD.EXE" /n /dde %1

DDE Message: [REM _DDE_Minimize][FileOpen("%1")][FilePrintSetup "%2 on p",.DoNotSetAsSysDefault=1][FilePrint 0][DocClose 2][FilePrintSetup ""]

Application: WinWord
DDE Application Not Running: [FileOpen("%1")][FilePrintSetup "%2 on p",.DoNotSetAsSysDefault=1][FilePrint 0][FileExit 2]
Topic: System

If I manually open the document in Word and click Print to the Fax Printer it gets sent out fine, just not through ASP. Cool, thanks.
This is a sort of Make or break me project, so I'm really digging to find resolution. I've noticed that there are a bunch of WinWord.exe running in the background, via taskmanager, that seem stalled. I think they are trying to open the document I specificy in the Body but kinda stalls out and I get that error. Would might fix something like this?

Can anyone send .doc or .html files via the FaxCom API? Is there a permission somewhere that is screwing this up? Any ideas?
Did you even find a solution to this issue. I am experiencing the exact same problems. Thanks.

Definetly did not find a solution to this problem...ended up only using the windows 2003 server for incoming faxes and bought a biscom fax server for out going faxes. If I was retackling this problem - trying to send faxes via an API in ASP, I would setup an Astrisks (http://www.astrisks.org) or Trixbox (http://www.trixbox.com) PBX that has a fax service via VoIP. It's open source, so it's free, and the documentation and APIs available from Astrisks are INCREDIBLE.