Unable to send Suspected Syware report

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Shows following error in the raw scan resoult file:

Se encontró un carácter no válido en el contenido del texto. Error al
procesar el recurso file:///D:/Archivos de programa/Microsoft
AntiSpyware/MSSSRT.xml. Línea 3, Posición 59

Means Invalid Character found proscesing file text. Error proscesing
resourse file:
file:///D:/Archivos de programa/Microsoft AntiSpyware/MSSSRT.xml. Line 3,
Position 59
Thanks, and sorry about this. This is a defect in the process, I'm afraid,
and we don't have a workaround for it--a number of users whose installation
language is not English have seen this problem.
Hi, I thik you'll have this problem with all windows XP Spanish version
users, because the problem seams to be in the name of the default Windows
folder Menú de Inicio, the character ú is not valid for XML use.

--------- !!! --------

<StartupFile path="D:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Menú
Inicio\Programas\Inicio\Microsoft Office.lnk" nam="Microsoft Office XP
component (osa.exe)" pub="Microsoft Corporation"
md5="5bc65464354a9fd3beaa28e18839734a" ver="10.0.2609" sz="83360" is="0"
gfp="">d:\archivos de programa\microsoft office\office10\osa.exe</StartupFile>