Cameron Sutherland
I can't reproduce your error but did you name that column
Expr1 or is it called that because you dropped down the
same field twice? If you include the same field twice
Access may be hanging up on what to do with the output.
Try defining a name for that field yourself (e.g
MonthYear: [datDate])
Regardless of that your like criteria will not work with
dates. Like is only helpfull if you awnt to pass a partial
value and look in your recrodset for that partial value
but in a date field your criterias must have valid dates
so you can't pass partials. Here are 2 ways that you could
get July 2002 from your record set.
1. Put a date range in the criteria of your date field.
CRITERIA=Between #7/1/2002# And #7/31/2002#
2. New column that extracts out month and year only and
critera to show only certain month and year.
FIELD=MonthYear: Format([datDate],"mmyyyy")
-Cameron Sutherland
Expr1 or is it called that because you dropped down the
same field twice? If you include the same field twice
Access may be hanging up on what to do with the output.
Try defining a name for that field yourself (e.g
MonthYear: [datDate])
Regardless of that your like criteria will not work with
dates. Like is only helpfull if you awnt to pass a partial
value and look in your recrodset for that partial value
but in a date field your criterias must have valid dates
so you can't pass partials. Here are 2 ways that you could
get July 2002 from your record set.
1. Put a date range in the criteria of your date field.
CRITERIA=Between #7/1/2002# And #7/31/2002#
2. New column that extracts out month and year only and
critera to show only certain month and year.
FIELD=MonthYear: Format([datDate],"mmyyyy")
-Cameron Sutherland