Unable to see pictures on web



On quite a lot of web pages I am unable to view all the
images, some just have a small red cross showing. Have
tried: "show picture", emptying temp folders/files and
changing firewall settings. I have posted similar
messages in the past with no response, can anyone give me
some help?


This probably is not your answer but check it out anyway. In internet
explorer go up to tools menu and down to internet options and then click the
advanced tab. Scroll down to the Multimedia section and ensure that the
"Show Pictures" box is ticked. there is no reason it wouldn't be but check
it anyway. My firewall has prevented me from viewing certain pictures in the
past as well. Good luck mate.

Bill said:
Thanks for the quick response Rick,

Unfortunately the link you provided came up with "KB
Article not Available". I have tried various searches in
the site but still no joy! Any other things I should try?

-----Original Message-----
Hi Bill,

Try this:

Pictures Are Not Displayed on Internet Web Sites [Q272306]

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

Bill said:
On quite a lot of web pages I am unable to view all the
images, some just have a small red cross showing. Have
tried: "show picture", emptying temp folders/files and
changing firewall settings. I have posted similar
messages in the past with no response, can anyone give me
some help?



I've had the same problems and the solution for me was:

Look in your c:\windows\temp directory for a .dll file you
can't remove from within your explorer (because it is used by
windows). I had such a file 'mseoaj.dll', but I've read others
had 'msipmo.dll' in that directory.
To remove the file, restart your computer in DOS-mode and
rename the file (in my case mseoaj.dll to mseoaj.xxx).
Restart the computer and hopefully you'll see the pictures again.
If all is working fine, you can then delete the renamed .dll in your
c:\windows\temp folder.

Hope this helps :)

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