Unable to save movie file

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I created a project and now I am trying to save it to a
movie file. For Movie Location I set it to My computer.
On the Saved Movie File screen I leave what was
defaulted. When I hit next, the Movie Setting screen
comes up but it is a MESS!! There is text over top of
text but it kind of looks like a combination of the save
to my computer options and the Recordable CD options. I
hit next anyway and the progress bar never moves.
Several times it has told me that there are around 7
MILLION minutes remaining!!! Now my video is only about
40 minutes long with a couple of titles certainly nothing
that my computer should have a problem with. I tried to
re-download and install the movie maker but that didn't
seem to work since it did that in about 20 seconds.
Sounds like a basic issue such as computer resources. Maybe a reboot will
clear it up. If you've been making and saving movies OK and this just
started, try a system restore. If it's your first time and you reboot and
still can't save the movie, check the Problem Solving... Can't Save a Movie
page of my website.
Thanks. On your site I found some information about a
DLL file that (QASF I think) was at an old version. I
didn't have the newer version already on my computer like
the others who had problems did but by downloading the
latest windows media player, the file was replaced and
that problem went away. Now if I could only get myDVD to
burn the thing without hanging I would be set.... The
saga continues...