Unable to retreive Contact List



I'm using a win xp pro, OL2k2 on a win2k w/ exchange 2k.

Problem: I can not recall the contacts using the To: Cc: Bcc: fields. If I
click on contacts it shows me them there. The error I get when I choose
contacts under Outlook Address Book is:

The address list could not be displayed. The contacts folder associated with
this address list could not be opened; it may have been moved or deleted, or
you do not have permissions. For info on how to remove this folder from the
OAB, see MS OL Help.

I had to reformat the sever, long story short, DELL's quick solution to an
easy problem, in doing so, I created a new domain name. In doing so, XP
needed a new user for the new domain. A lot of programs would not work in
this new user, so I edited the registry to point the new users domain to the
old user. Now, what I don't know is, if it was at this point I loss the use
of my contacts.

When I start typing an email address, it auto fills it and remembers it. Is
there a way to "capture" it's cache and restore all of them?

Thanks for your help in advance,

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Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

This is a common occurrence when moving things around -- the association
between the Contacts folder and the Outlook Address Book gets broken.
To fix it, go to Tools | E-mail accounts, select "View or change
existing directories or address books", and click OK. If you don't see
the OAB in the Directories and Address Books list, click the Back
button, then select "Add a new directory or address book", then
"Additional Address Books", and add the OAB. Then keep clicking Back
until you get back to the first dialog box, and go back to the
Directories and Address Books list as you did earlier.

Once the OAB appears in the list, select it and then click Change to
make sure the Contacts folder(s) you want to display are listed. If any
of them aren't listed, you'll need to enable those Contacts folders as
Outlook Address Books by right clicking the folder, selecting
Properties, clicking the Outlook Address Book tab, and checking the
"Show this folder as an E-mail address book" box. Make sure you restart
Outlook after making these changes.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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