Unable to restore beyond a certain point



On my computer, system restore works fine so long as I don't go back beyond a
certain point. I have a new computer and have been loading hardware and
software and have used system restore successfully a few times.

I am specifically trying to restore prior to the point of installing
Quicktime 7/iTunes which are not working and I am unable to uninstall hte
programs via "Add/Remove programs" because I get a message (with QT) that
parts of the file are missing. iTunes trys to 'repair' itself, but to no

Thus, I want to restore my computer prior to installing them but every time
I try, I get a message on startup announcing that the restore could not be

I AM able to restore the computer at any point past the day in question.



1. why not just reinstall/ esp. if we are talking about the player, it is
free to download and install anyways
2. there is a fixed amount (default about 12% of drive space) of disk
space windows reserved for restore points. Once used up, Windows throws away
the oldest one!


I should have mentioned that I've tried to reinstall QT/iTunes a number of
times and gotten messages informing me that the programs were unable to
install. When they've *seemed* as if they'd successfully installed, I still
got the messages upon trying to use the programs that parts of the file were


Yes, I am using an administrator ID and I haven't had major problems
installing other programs. thanks for trying!


one more try,.
From command prompt, check your hard drive


Extreme caution advised. Mistake likely lead to disasters or mysterious
behaviour of the PC later on without recourse besides re-install.

after uninstall of itune, reboot:
from command prompt enter

expand HKEY_local_machine
expand Software
look for something like Apple Computer, Inc.
click and select that
click File, export and save that

here comes the dangerous part
right click and choose Delete

reboot and try install again

Good luck

Bert Kinney


What happens when System Restore is used to remove an application only
the monitored files are removed and the rest remain. This will cause the
uninstall process to fail and can cause the reinstall to fail also. Is
it still possible to undo the restore, uninstall QT then restore to the
time before it was installed.

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