mtj7009 said:
All of a sudden, we are unable to RDP to a Windows 2003 Server. It
could possible be a windows update that caused the issue but not sure
which one. I have run Wireshark to make sure that tcp port 3389
traffic is hitting the server and it is.
You are running wireshark on the 2003 server, yes? That will tell you that
the tcp packets are arriving on the interface you selected destined for port
3389 and their content, nothing more.
On the client it says unable to connect to RDP.
This indicates that RDP is either not running on the server, not listening
on tcp port 3389, not configured to accept connections from the client, or
that a firewall is blocking. You state that firewall is disabled, so that
narrows it to 3 potential causes.
Short of rebuilding the server are there any options or
troubleshooting steps i should take?
If it's listening on port 3389 then you know that it's just not allowing
access to that client. If it's listening on a different port then you know
that piece of information as well. I use the following free application to
get familiar with my machine:
D:\ > fport /p
FPort v2.0 - TCP/IP Process to Port Mapper
Copyright 2000 by Foundstone, Inc.
Pid Process Port Proto Path
428 svchost -> 135 TCP C:\WINNT\system32\svchost.exe
8 System -> 139 TCP
8 System -> 445 TCP
588 MSTask -> 1025 TCP C:\WINNT\system32\MSTask.exe
8 System -> 1027 TCP
624 svchost -> 3002 TCP C:\WINNT\System32\svchost.exe
624 svchost -> 3003 TCP C:\WINNT\System32\svchost.exe
624 svchost -> 3004 TCP C:\WINNT\System32\svchost.exe
14004 putty -> 3227 TCP D:\security\putty.exe
7044 MailWasher -> 3535 TCP
14848 firefox -> 3646 TCP D:\Mozilla\Firefox 3.0\firefox.exe
14848 firefox -> 3647 TCP D:\Mozilla\Firefox 3.0\firefox.exe
14848 firefox -> 3648 TCP D:\Mozilla\Firefox 3.0\firefox.exe
14848 firefox -> 3649 TCP D:\Mozilla\Firefox 3.0\firefox.exe
10764 putty -> 3705 TCP D:\security\putty.exe
13672 ePrompter -> 4494 TCP D:\ePrompter\ePrompter.exe
8312 terminal -> 4571 TCP
1408 jusched -> 4754 TCP C:\Program
1408 jusched -> 4755 TCP C:\Program
1008 WinVNC -> 5900 TCP
1432 Proxomitron -> 8080 TCP D:\security\proxomitron\Proxomitron.exe
624 svchost -> 53 UDP C:\WINNT\System32\svchost.exe
8 System -> 137 UDP
8 System -> 138 UDP
8 System -> 445 UDP
264 lsass -> 500 UDP C:\WINNT\system32\lsass.exe
624 svchost -> 520 UDP C:\WINNT\System32\svchost.exe
624 svchost -> 3001 UDP C:\WINNT\System32\svchost.exe
496 blackd -> 3738 UDP C:\Program
264 lsass -> 4500 UDP C:\WINNT\system32\lsass.exe