Yash Ganthe
We have several windows services implemented in .NET 2.0. They are
configured in production with Recovery enabled such that on failure,
they would restart. There are times when some or the other service has
crashed, due to too much data to be processed or running out of memory
and various other reasons. However, windows was not able to detect the
crash. The exe stopped after the crash but windows never realized it
and hence did not restart. Operation support people had to restart the
services manually.
Any clues on what might be missing in the services?
We have several windows services implemented in .NET 2.0. They are
configured in production with Recovery enabled such that on failure,
they would restart. There are times when some or the other service has
crashed, due to too much data to be processed or running out of memory
and various other reasons. However, windows was not able to detect the
crash. The exe stopped after the crash but windows never realized it
and hence did not restart. Operation support people had to restart the
services manually.
Any clues on what might be missing in the services?