Glad to hear someone else makes this kind of use of flash drives also. I've
got a 4GB drive pretty much full of work I drag back and forth between home
and office - and often work from directly on the flash drive. One Excel file
on it is well over a year old and has probably been accessed daily with
updates daily.
Jessica, I hope CLR's suggestion pans out for you. I think what Nikos
Yannacopoulos wrote in his first post is probably on-point: make sure
you 'eject' or use the [Safely Remove Hardware] feature before unplugging a
USB device. After using that feature, wait long enough for the cache to get
flushed and for the file to be written completely to the USB device - you can
usually tell when it has finished by just watching the indicator light on the
device or waiting for the [It is safe to Remove...] message from Windows.
CLR said:
Jessica..........I use Flash/Jump drives all the time, working directly to
and from them constantly and have never had a problem losing a file.
Sometimes, however, when I do a SaveAs, and change the name of the
file, the
computer will divert the save to the C drive (default directory)rather than
putting it where I got it off my JumpDrive. Go home, and do a search
of your
computer by the FileName, or parts thereof, and it may show up as
stashed somewhere else..........
Vaya Con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3
I just finished a spreadsheet last night that was opened from a flash/jump
drive and saved back on it after editing. I took the drive to work and now
it is saying that is a unable to read file. So I brought the drive back home
and it still won't open--saving unable to read file. Please help!