Unable To Re-link Tables

  • Thread starter Thread starter MikeC
  • Start date Start date


I am in the process of troubleshooting a permissions problem that is
preventing my users from successfully re-linking tables using the Linked
Table Manager in AXP. I have granted the users Modify Design permissions
for *all* of the linked tables.

When I log in as one of these users and run the Linked Table Manager, I
receive the below error:

"Could not create; no modify design permission for table or query

This error does *not* occur when I re-link with administrator permissions,
to the problem appears to be somehow related to permissions.

I designed this database and I know that I created no such table or query.
Just to be certain, I have re-checked the tables and queries, including
hidden and system objects. Since this object does not appear to exist, I am
left guessing that it is temporarily created during the re-linking process.

I have also compacted and repaired, but the problem remains.

I have even granted the users permission to modify the design of *new*
tables and queries, but that still doesn't grant permissions for this
mysterious table/query.

I am unable to find any relevant articles on TechNet. GoogleGroups had one
relevant post, but no solution. Does anyone know what is causing this
problem and how to fix it?
Hi, Mike.
"Could not create; no modify design permission for table or query

The TMP%#MAU@ table is a temporary table that Jet creates to hold meta data
for external tables. There was a similar problem in the days of Jet 3.0 and
3.5, but this was resolved with a Jet service pack.

Which service packs are installed on the users' computers for Office XP and
Jet 4.0? (These should be at least Office XP SP-2 and Jet 4.0 SP-8.) What
version of MDAC is installed? Which operating system is used?

The Jet 4.0 service pack and MDAC version should be the same on all users'
computers, as well as the computer where the back-end database is located.
Are they?

What file format (Access 2000 or 2002-2003?) are the front-end and back-end
*.MDB files?
This error does *not* occur when I re-link with administrator permissions,
so the problem appears to be somehow related to permissions.

I suspect that you are correct. This error doesn't occur with Access
databases where user-level security has not been applied, since all users
are opening the database as the default "Admin" user, and therefore are
members of the Admins group while trying to relink the tables.
I have also compacted and repaired, but the problem remains.

You compacted/repaired the back-end, too?
I have even granted the users permission to modify the design of *new*
tables and queries, but that still doesn't grant permissions for this
mysterious table/query.

Unfortunately, those permissions only apply to user-defined tables and
queries. I would suspect that the TMP%#MAU@ temporary table is owned by
"Engine," which we have no control over.



See http://www.QBuilt.com for all your database needs.
See http://www.Access.QBuilt.com for Microsoft Access tips.

(Please remove ZERO_SPAM from my reply E-mail address, so that a message
will be forwarded to me.)
See MC> below.

'69 Camaro said:
Hi, Mike.

The TMP%#MAU@ table is a temporary table that Jet creates to hold meta
for external tables. There was a similar problem in the days of Jet 3.0
3.5, but this was resolved with a Jet service pack.

Which service packs are installed on the users' computers for Office XP
Jet 4.0? (These should be at least Office XP SP-2 and Jet 4.0 SP-8.)
version of MDAC is installed? Which operating system is used?

MC> Here is my version info:

Jet 4.0 (Latest Version 4.0.8618.0 from Security Bulletin MS04-014)
MDAC 2.8 SP1
Office XP Pro SP3
Windows XP Home Edition SP2

I also found a Jet 3.5 file in my Windows/System32 folder right next to my
Jet 4.0 file. Access appears to think Jet 4.0 is installed when I look at
System Information/*Summary* for MS Access 2002. However, when I check
System Information/*Jet Core Components*, the latest Jet version info is
blank. I can't tell whether this info is meaningful or a false clue.
The Jet 4.0 service pack and MDAC version should be the same on all users'
computers, as well as the computer where the back-end database is located.
Are they?

MC> The FE and BE are currently stored on my own machine, so versions are
consistent. I'll check the users' machines before production deployment. I
already had them install Office XP Pro SP3, but further checks will be made
in accordance with your advice.
What file format (Access 2000 or 2002-2003?) are the front-end and
*.MDB files?

MC> I'm using the Access 2002 file format for both the FE and BE. For now,
the BE and FE are both MDB files. Just now, I created and attempted to
re-link using an MDE front end. I got the same error.
I suspect that you are correct. This error doesn't occur with Access
databases where user-level security has not been applied, since all users
are opening the database as the default "Admin" user, and therefore are
members of the Admins group while trying to relink the tables.

You compacted/repaired the back-end, too?

MC> Not initially, but I did just a few minutes ago. The problem remains.
Unfortunately, those permissions only apply to user-defined tables and
queries. I would suspect that the TMP%#MAU@ temporary table is owned by
"Engine," which we have no control over.

MC> There must be a solution. Otherwise, we would probably be hearing more
complaints about this issue on the NGs. I could find only one other post on
this particular subject.

MC> Is there an alternative method using code that utilizes the "Engine's"