I've got an issue on a couple of PCs that were upgraded from Office 2000 Pro
to Office 2003 Pro. Systems are running Windows XP Pro with all the lastest
updates and Service Packs.
Following the upgrade users with an existing profile on the machine are able
to get into their exchange hosted mailbox without a problem. HOWEVER...when
a user who has NOT previously logged into the machine attempts to setup
Outlook they receive the following message "Unable to open your default
e-mail folders" and outlook exits immediately.
Just before this message is displayed the Office install starts and Outlook
has a task pane visible which says "Migrating User Settings" (or somthing
similar)...the popup window with the error message comes up and when you
click OK you are out of there.
I've tried deleting the Outlook Profile using the MAIL applet in Control
Panel. I reset the profile and I can even resolve the users mailbox name
via the wizard but once again on starting outlook the exact same thing
I've repaired office but the same thing happens. I've deleted the users
profile and tried recreating it...same deal.
I've tried the RPC binding order fixes to no avail and I've searched high
and low for other KBs that might look relevant. Nothing has worked.
The following looked hopeful but didn't fix it.
XCLN: Unable to Open Your Default E-Mail Folders
Any help greatly appreciated.
One Stuffed KIWI
I've got an issue on a couple of PCs that were upgraded from Office 2000 Pro
to Office 2003 Pro. Systems are running Windows XP Pro with all the lastest
updates and Service Packs.
Following the upgrade users with an existing profile on the machine are able
to get into their exchange hosted mailbox without a problem. HOWEVER...when
a user who has NOT previously logged into the machine attempts to setup
Outlook they receive the following message "Unable to open your default
e-mail folders" and outlook exits immediately.
Just before this message is displayed the Office install starts and Outlook
has a task pane visible which says "Migrating User Settings" (or somthing
similar)...the popup window with the error message comes up and when you
click OK you are out of there.
I've tried deleting the Outlook Profile using the MAIL applet in Control
Panel. I reset the profile and I can even resolve the users mailbox name
via the wizard but once again on starting outlook the exact same thing
I've repaired office but the same thing happens. I've deleted the users
profile and tried recreating it...same deal.
I've tried the RPC binding order fixes to no avail and I've searched high
and low for other KBs that might look relevant. Nothing has worked.
The following looked hopeful but didn't fix it.
XCLN: Unable to Open Your Default E-Mail Folders
Any help greatly appreciated.
One Stuffed KIWI