Unable to open your default e-mail folders. ..

Oct 13, 2006
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Hi there,
I've just convinced my friend to upgrade to a MS Exchange type push email service. Unfort he's come unstuck by doing things out of order, and is now having the following problem. I was wondering if anyone had any idea's/clues that we could try to resolve the problem at hand? Basically he was using Outlook previously for normal POP email, but then tried to open the Push email services config file, but its locked his email.

Had a bit of a disaster this evening. I downloaded and ran the 4SmarhPhone
Outlook setup file before I read the instructions. Basically, I ran the
setup file before I closed Outlook. Now I can't even open Outlook. I get
an error message to say:
Unable to open your default e-mail folders. The C:\Documents and
Settings\USER NAME\Local Settings\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\outlook.ost is not an offline folder file.

I click okay but Outlook still doesn't open. I have been on the Miscrowank
support site all night but can't get it solved. I have scanned the
Outlook.ost file but it tells me again that it is not an offline folder

I even uninstalled and then reinstalled Office 2003 - but the same problem

To use Outlook again, I finally did a "run Outlook as" and logged in as the
Administrator. Then I opened up my old .pst file, imported and set up my
email again. I do want to get the USER NAME profile working on my PC
again as that is the one I sync with my Nokia E61. Oh the drama!