Unable to open Word


Dave S

I installed XP over Windows 97. Now I can't open any of
the Office 97 applications. I get the message: This
application must be installed to run. Please run Setup
from the location where you originally installed the

I tried that a couple of times and it hasn't helped.

I'm having a similar problem on my daughter's machine
after having to reinstall XP. She can't open any of her
Office10 apps.

Any suggestions out there?


Furthermore, make sure that your Office 97 is 100% updated for full XP

Alex Nichol

Dave said:
I installed XP over Windows 97. Now I can't open any of
the Office 97 applications. I get the message: This
application must be installed to run. Please run Setup
from the location where you originally installed the

I tried that a couple of times and it hasn't helped.

I'm having a similar problem on my daughter's machine
after having to reinstall XP. She can't open any of her
Office10 apps.

Office is not part of Windows - any version. So if your 'reinstall' or
'install over' was a clean one that formatted the disk and installed
only Windows, you need to install Office again, from whatever CD you
used first time. This will also happen if you do a 'New install' into
the original folder on the disk, without actually formatting, because
none of the registry entries Office needs will have been made.

And BTW Windows 97 does not exist, which doesn't help make things clear

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