Unable to open forms or reports

  • Thread starter Thread starter the_harrison
  • Start date Start date


Hi there

I have been asked to look at an access database that won't open forms
or reports. If I try to open, or view in design mode nothing happens.
There are no error messages. Sometimes the egg timer appears for a
short time. I guess the database has become corrupted?

I'm running Access 2003, I don't know what version it was created with

Does anyone have any ideas?

Best regards

Check to make sure it is an mdb file and not an mde. If it is an mde, you
will have find the original mdb file it was created from.
If it was created with a version prior to 2000, you should get some sort of
warning or error message when you open the database.
Thanks Klatuu, Ive checked and its an mde. Also noticed its Access
2000 file format. Sorry I didnt see that before!
the_harrison said:
Hi there

I have been asked to look at an access database that won't open forms
or reports. If I try to open, or view in design mode nothing happens.
There are no error messages. Sometimes the egg timer appears for a
short time. I guess the database has become corrupted?

I'm running Access 2003, I don't know what version it was created with

Does anyone have any ideas?

Best regards


did you ever find the solution for this issue? I have the exact same
issue and the only thing that I noticed is that it only happens when
I'm logged in to windows with that user account.
I am having the same problem and my file is an mdb file. I have not had any
issues and then all of a sudden I cannot open some of my sub-forms or any of
the reports. The queries work fine. I do not have another copy of the
database. Do you have any suggestions for me?

If you issue is mainly reports and you can't open, design, create, or
preview reports make sure you have a default printer specified in the
Windows Control Panel.
My blackberry was going off as I was headed to rest. When I saw you
responded I decided to log on. You have made my weekend. I thought I was
going to have to rebuild everything. I had no idea the printer had anything
to do with this. And yes, it absolutely solved my problem. Thank you.

Now I have another question which I asked in another string. If you don't
mind and can help I would appreciate it.

I have a main form which has 2 subforms. The forms are driven off of two
tables which are linked by fields named Customer and Firm. However, when I
go to update a field through the form/subforms. It says there is an issue
due to the linked tables. Can I not have an update form when I have tables

Thank you again for making my weekend.
I have never heard of a message like " issue due to the linked tables". I
expect you might be attempting to create records in one table without a
related record in another table.

We don't know if the error comes from the main form or one of the subforms.
We also don't know much about your relationships (tables).

When I try to update the default Firm that comes up on my update form, I am
able to do this. However when I use the drop-down list to choose another
Firm and try to update either of the 2 subforms, the exact message says:
"The record cannot be deleted or changed because table 'Contractor
Specialties' includes related records."

Now to explain further, the 2 subforms are the following tables. The table
"Contractor Specialties" is linked by its "Firm" name to the table
"Contractors" which has the same data in field "Contractor".

My main "Update" form has these 2 subforms for updating data which are
linked through the tables.

Can you help me with this further explanation? I just do not know why I am
unable to update data with these linked tables.

Thank you
I think you only mentioned 1 subform record source which was Contractor
Specialties. What's up with the other?

How does the drop-down list control the displayed record on the main form?
What exactly are you doing when you get the error message?
The main update form is called "frmContractorLimit" and it has a drop-down
list which is pulled from a query of the Companies/Firms. This drop-down
list is the parent field of the 1st sub-form which is linked to the
"contractor" in the sub-frmContractors. The 2nd sub-form
"sub-frmContractorSpecialties" is then linked as a child through the Firm to
sub-frmContractors. Keep in mind that Firm is the same name as contractor.
This name is how everything is linked.

On this form is a subform call "sub-frmContractors" and it pulls all of the
contact info from the contractor table.

The second subform on the main form is call "sub-frmContractorSpecialties"
and it pulls the their specialty from the Contractor Specialty table.

These forms and subforms are all linked by the name of the company which is
listed as either contractor or Firm.

When I open the update frmContractorLimit, the first contract appears and I
am able to click in any of the combo boxes for either of the subforms and
update the info. However, when I choose another company from the drop-down
list of companies and try to update any of the data in the combo boxes for
the sub-forms, I get this message: "The record cannot be deleted or changed
because table 'Contractor Specialties' includes related records."

Is frmContractorLimit bound to a table/query? Is the drop-down bound to a
field (check the control source property)?
What are the exact expressions in the Link Master/Child properties of both
subform controls?
frmContractorLimit's "record source" is "qryContractors", the row source for
the drop down list of the company's comes from:
SELECT qryContractors.CompanyName FROM qryContractors ORDER BY

The exact expressions are as follows of the subforms.
Link Master Field: CompanyName
Link Child Field: CompanyName

Link Master Field: Firm
Link Child Field: CompanyName

The property does not say if it is bound. Under the control source property,
it is just attached to the query that I mention below. Is there another
place I should look at?

"bound" simply means there is a field or expression entered into the Control
Source property. An unbound control with have nothing in the Control Source
property. I believe your problem is that you have something in the Control
Source property when it should be blank.