I just connected up a new LCD monitor. Followed all the instructions. But, I am unable to open any attachments that are on e-mails. I did not have this problem with the old monitor. Any advice? Thanks.
I just connected up a new LCD monitor. Followed all the instructions. But,
I am unable to open any attachments that are on e-mails. I did not have
this problem with the old monitor. Any advice? Thanks
OE>Tools>Options>Security Tab. Uncheck: "Do not allow attachments........."
Please see these links about virus protection in OE 6.
You "think" you didn't have the problem before. There is no way in hell that
connecting a new monitor is going to cause that problem. It is that way by
default, unless someone goes in and changes the setting. In your case, no
one did!
Richard Urban
aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard
Tania said:
I just connected up a new LCD monitor. Followed all the instructions.