I've bought a converter IDE/SATA-USB for being able to read with my actual
PC (WinXPHE SP2) two disks that I had on an old PC running with Win98SE. I
can read the first disk perfectly. The second one is recognized by my system
I see it when I want to unmount this virtual USB device), but my PC seems
unable to assign a logical drive letter to this disk, so I can't read it.
Now I reminded that perhaps I compressed this disk under Win98SE and
therefore my system is unable to manage it. Is this reasonable? Can I do
PC (WinXPHE SP2) two disks that I had on an old PC running with Win98SE. I
can read the first disk perfectly. The second one is recognized by my system
I see it when I want to unmount this virtual USB device), but my PC seems
unable to assign a logical drive letter to this disk, so I can't read it.
Now I reminded that perhaps I compressed this disk under Win98SE and
therefore my system is unable to manage it. Is this reasonable? Can I do