Unable to keep settings!!



Double-click or right-click to open the antispyware icon
in the system tray, the setup assistant *ALAWAYS* starts.
Then when open, no matter how many times I save my
settings or turn ON the updater or the schedule, the
defaults remain as if I've done nothing. Then it is like
I never installed M.A.S. and start all over! How can I
get this to save my settings. Is there an old registry
key somewhere from a previous version?


I had this on one of my PCs. I don't know why, but
resolved it as follows:
1) Uninstall MAS
2) Delete contents of Microsoft Antispyware folder
3) Reboot
4) Reinstall MAS

Hope this helps - it's what I call the brute force and
ignorance method, but it was faster than trying to find
out what was going on.


Sorry, I am not able to provide a solution fort his BUT I can tell you
that you are not the only one who has this problem. My MAS behaves very
similar! :(


Same problem... doesn't remember settings, and each time
I click the bullseye icon it goes into setup mode.

I've uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times still happens.


same problem - quick fix.
control panel/ add/remove programs
choose microsoft antispyware. select change and the
update. problem resolved.

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