And the error message is...?
"This update requires IE6 SP1 to be installed" is a somewhat weasel-worded
way of saying you already have the proper file installed. (Q816506 would
give you MSHTML.DLL version 6.0.2800.1173, an earlier version than the one
you have. Believe me, you don't want it.)
IE Help>About> Is Q822925 or Q818529 listed here? What is? Have you
visited Windows Update in the past few months?
If you have either Yahoo Companion or Google Toolbar installed, uninstall
it. Also try IE Tools>Internet Options>Advanced>Browsing>Enable third-party
browser extentions (uncheck and reboot).
HTH...Please post back to this thread and message
Include previous message in reply
~Robear Dyer (aka PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE)