Hi DBoone,
That's great news. I'm glad that got sorted!
DBoone Wrote:
| As it turns out, it was a software conflict. I found a description of a
| similar problem when browsing through the MS Knowledgebase. The culprit
| that instance was Intervideo. Since I had just installed Intervideo I
| to try removing it and installing FSX. That did the trick.
| Apparently, with Intervideo installed the Intellishield installer
| recognize the insertion of the second disc.
| Thanks for the help!
| "Jimmy S." wrote:
|| Hi DBoone,
|| Before we begin troubleshooting the issue, if you have more than one
|| DISC player (CD/DVD/CDRW/DVDR/ETC) in your system, I've seen
|| this type of problem resolved by simply using the other DISC player.
|| Here are some other more involved solutions which have worked:
|| 1. Before we begin, please save a restore point for your system.
|| How to use Windows XP System Restore:
|| 2. You might be affected by problems similar to the Insert CD error.
|| - Try the advice and DL at:
|| Another trick that I found sometimes works is to make the limited
account an
|| administrator account and run that game once. This should create
the registry
|| settings and permissions for that user to be able to properly run
the game.
|| 3. Kazaa or Kazaa light is installed on your system.
|| - Uninstall the game(s) and Kazaa, and reinstall from original CD.
|| 4. Multiple CD drives on your system including Virtual CD drives.
|| - Disconnect all but the main CD drive and try the game. You
|| might have an older drive, or a CD Writer which is incompatible
|| with the Safe Disk copy protection on the CD. (Contact
|| 5. Your antivirus or application firewall might be conflicting with
|| - Disable the software temporarily.
|| 6. There might be a patch available for your game to correct the
|| - Skip this step DBoone, since you're in the installation phase ...
|| 7. Your desktop may need to be set at least 800x600 and 16 colors.
|| - Click Start / (Settings) Control Panel / Click Display
|| 8. Your Video, Sound, or Monitor drivers may need updating.
|| - Try updating your Video drivers using the instructions at:
|| 9. To see if it's a software conflict: Temporarily disable Startup
|| programs one at a time, starting with Firewall, Antivirus, and ad
|| blockers using this utility:
|| or this method:
|| 10. If you created other drive letters on your system by installing
another drive,
|| creating partitions or virtual drives you may need to change
the CD back
|| to the same drive letter it was originally. Usually the CD
uses the letter D:
|| - Click Start / Run / type: diskmgmt.msc < to access the tool
to change it.
|| 11. Maybe a Microsoft Security patch is the culprit. The only way to
be sure is
|| to Unplug from your Internet connection, and then repair Windows
|| this method:
|| After you reboot, try the game again. If it works, save a new
restore point.
|| Lastly, boot up your system, turn on your XP Internet Firewall,
plug back
|| into your Internet connection and install all Critical and
Recommended updates
|| from:
http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com one at a time. Test the
game after
|| each update to find which is causing the game not to start on your
|| --
|| Cheers, Windows XP MVP Shell / User
|| Jimmy S.
|| Game FAQs:
|| Visit my Zone.com / Gaming Helpsite:
http://nibblesnbits.tk or Call /
|| MS Support at:
|| My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any
|| _________________________________________________________
|| DBoone Wrote:
|| =================
||| I built a new pc, uninstalled the game on the old pc, and am trying to
||| install on new pc. OS is Windows XP Pro. The first disc installs just
||| but the second disc is not recognized.