Unable to get the Open property of the Workbooks class

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I have this function that works in other scripts but for this one it seems
to be having trouble. Here's the function...
Function WorkbookOpen(ByRef WorkBookName, LastUpdate, ReadOnly)

If IsObject(WorkBookName) = True Then
If Not WorkBookName Is Nothing Then
Set WorkbookOpen = objExcel.Workbooks(WorkBookName)
End If
Dim fso, f1: Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not fso.FileExists(WorkBookName) Then
Set WorkbookOpen = Nothing
Subject = "Data Not Copied."
Message = WorkbookName & " Not Found."
Call SendMsg(objScript, Owner, "", Subject, Message)
Set f1 = fso.GetFile(WorkBookName)
If LastUpdate = "" Then
If ReadOnly = "" Then
Set WorkbookOpen = objExcel.Workbooks.Open (WorkBookName)
Set WorkbookOpen = objExcel.Workbooks.Open (WorkBookName,,xlReadOnly)
End If
If DateValue(f1.DateLastModified) < DateValue(LastUpdate) Then
Set WorkbookOpen = Nothing
Subject = "Data Not Copied."
Message = WorkbookName & " Not Updated Since Last Refresh."
Call SendMsg(objScript, Owner, "", Subject, Message)
If ReadOnly = "" Then
Set WorkbookOpen = objExcel.Workbooks.Open (WorkBookName)
Set WorkbookOpen = objExcel.Workbooks.Open (WorkBookName,,xlReadOnly)
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If

Set fso = Nothing
set f1 = Nothing

End Function

When it gets to the Set WorkbookOpen = objExcel.Workbooks.Open
(WorkBookName) I get the error 1004 - Unable to get the Open property of the
Workbooks class. But as you can see in the function I already verify that
the workbook exists via FSO. Has anyone had this kind of trouble? I can
open the workbook manually with Excel, so I do not think the workbook is
corrupted. Could there be a setting in the workbook that causes this symptom?

Thank you in advance for any assistance.

Regards, Dean.
in your dim statement do you have
Dim objExcel as Object, WorkbookOpen as Object
or is it
Dim objExcel as Excel.Application, WorkbookOpen as Excel.Workbook

I think if you have the first it can cause problems when using methods that
are unique to the Excel object model. It is better to explicitly define what
kind of objects your variables are.
there's space where I'm not expecting one....
Set WorkbookOpen = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(WorkBookName)

you are using the constant xlReadOnly iso it's value 3...

have you defined that constant somewhere
or do you have a reference to Excel Object Library?

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Dean Hinson wrote :
I am using VB script and have objExcel defined like this...
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Also WorkbookOpen is a Function I created in the script, not a method of

This code works with other scripts and workbooks but for some reason, this
one is the exception.
unable to open property of workbooks class


I have one queryI write a code in javascript which automatically send the email though outlook, at the run time it pickups some data from excel file. my query is, in some computer it is running perfeclty fine but in some computer is giving the visual basic error "file already exist" then "unable to open property of workbooks class".

i used this code "C:\\Documents and Settings\\rahul.taneja\\Desktop\\ABC.xls" in the loop to open the excel file and transfer data from excel to outlook email.

I am using the excel 2003 in all computer.

is there any problem in excel setting?

kindly solve the problem

