Unable to get examples to work for lookup etc



I have just a very simple thing to accomplish but I guess I am just no
getting it. I am comparing two columns of data, larger against smal
column, taking the matching results to a separate column then th
non-matching column to another. I have used a dynamic range for eac
Biglist Littlelist Matches NonMatches
123456789 123654789 123654789 236548925
123456789 245987445 665713235 461876212
236548925 124598792 123456789 114532215
461876212 665713235 165645136
124598792 123436789 245987445
114532215 124598792

I have used the differant examples here, and elsewhere and I am no
able to get the Functions to work with INDEX or MATCH even when nestin
the Formula.
Any help would be very appreciated


Perhaps try a non-array formulas play
which would also deliver the desired results ..

Source data in cols A and B from row2 down,
col A (BigList) to be compared against col B (LittleList),
with matched items in BigList sliced into col C,
unmatched items in BigList sliced into col D

The extract cols:

In C2:
In D2:

The corresponding criteria cols:

In E2:
In F2:
(Leave E1:F1 empty)

Then just select C2:F2 and fill down to the last row of data in col A
(You can fill beyond the current extent of BigList to its max expected
extent in col A. But for calc efficiency, just fill to the smallest extent
which suffices to cover)

Cols C and D will return the required results
(Hide away the criteria cols E and F, if necess)


Oops, correction to description. Lines:
In C2:
In D2:

should simply read as:
In C2:
Copy C2 to D2

(The formula in D2 is just a sweet copy across of the one placed in C2)



Yea, I have been try to get my lists to work with just that kind of
formula. The non-array approach looks good, I will give it a whirl.
I did have more success with the following:
=IF(COUNTIF($A$1:$A$10,B1)>0,B1,"") put in the first cell of a column
and filled down.
=IF(COUNTIF($A$1:A1,A1)=1,A1,"") put in the first cell of a column and
filled down
=IF(COUNTIF($A$1:$A$10,B1)=0,B1,"") put in the first cell of a column
and filled down
Which for the example works fine. But for later lists, the drilling
down of data will be greater. The smallest lists will easily be 3000
rows. Will a dynamic range work for these kind of comparison


.. Will a dynamic range work for these kind of comparison extractions?

In this instance, we might face problems as the dynamic ranges returned may
not exactly sync with the other corresponding static ranges used within the
formulas. Eg: Any unequal range sizes between an indexed range (say: a
dynamic range) and the MATCH table array (say: a static range) would foul up
/ yield incorrect returns. The non-array approach suggested averts such
possible problems by using consistent entire col references.


I started out trying to do all of the with dynamic fields, your
explanation of the problem is exactly why things were not working.
I tried both on a real world list and the non-array worked perfectly.
Thanks very much, I learned much.


BrandonC said:
I started out trying to do all of the with dynamic fields, your
explanation of the problem is exactly why things were not working.
I tried both on a real world list and the non-array worked perfectly.
Thanks very much, I learned much.

Glad to hear that !
Thanks for the feedback ..


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