Unable to get CD-ROM driver installed

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dan Neuwirth
  • Start date Start date

Dan Neuwirth

Hi all,

I'm working on fixing a client's system, and am fairly
good at troubleshooting XP problems, but this one has me

The system has two CD drives (An ATAPI CD-ROM and a
CDR/W), installed properly (checked m/s/cs jumpers,
power's good, cables on correctly, etc.). Booting to a
DOS floppy with MSCDEX shows two drives, C: and D:, the CD-
ROMs and they both read disks fine, so no hardware issues

The problem is that the XP device driver file(s) for the
CD's appear to be corrupt. Neither drive appears in
Explorer/My Computer, and the Hardware list shows "yellow"
on the devices, and complains of the drivers either not
working or being corrupt. "Uninstalling" both CD devices
and then rebooting results in a redetection of the drives,
but a return to "yellow" status. The drives used to work
(when I previously did some service on the system 6 months
ago) but at some point in recent history "disappeared"
according to the user.

So the question is, how do I replace those files? This is
on an SP1 system, and I note (by the date/time stamp on
the drivers--in particular cdrom.sys) that those files
also appear to be replaced by/included in SP1.

Is there a different solution I'm not thinking of...

Dan said:
I'm working on fixing a client's system, and am fairly
good at troubleshooting XP problems, but this one has me

The system has two CD drives (An ATAPI CD-ROM and a
CDR/W), installed properly (checked m/s/cs jumpers,
power's good, cables on correctly, etc.). Booting to a
DOS floppy with MSCDEX shows two drives, C: and D:, the CD-
ROMs and they both read disks fine, so no hardware issues

The problem is that the XP device driver file(s) for the
CD's appear to be corrupt. Neither drive appears in
Explorer/My Computer, and the Hardware list shows "yellow"
on the devices, and complains of the drivers either not
working or being corrupt. "Uninstalling" both CD devices
and then rebooting results in a redetection of the drives,
but a return to "yellow" status. The drives used to work
(when I previously did some service on the system 6 months
ago) but at some point in recent history "disappeared"
according to the user.

So the question is, how do I replace those files? This is
on an SP1 system, and I note (by the date/time stamp on
the drivers--in particular cdrom.sys) that those files
also appear to be replaced by/included in SP1.

Is there a different solution I'm not thinking of...


Tried this?:

1) Log on with Administrative Privileges

2) Open the Registry Editor:
a) Go to Start then select Run.
b) Type regedit and click OK.

3) Backup you registry by:
a) Highlight My Computer by clicking on it once.
b) Click File (Windows XP) or Registry (Windows 2000), then Export
Registry File.
c) Select export range All; to ensure your entire registry is backed up
d) Select where you would like to save this backup, name the File, and
Click on the SAVE button.

4) Remove the Upperfilters and Lowerfilters values:
a) Go to
b) Highlight this key by left clicking on it once.
c) On the right hand side delete the values Upperfilters and Lowerfilters.

5) Restart your computer.

Your steps below resolved the issue! Don't know how you
found that one, but it worked perfectly and we now have
both CDR's online again. Many thanks!


I am having the same problem with my missing optical drives. I followed the instructions per Shenan Stanley but once I got to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} but I did not have the values Upperfilters and Lowerfilters. On the right side I only have the following: (Default), Class, EnumPropPages32, Icon, Installer32, NoInstallClass, SilentInstall, TroubleShooter-0.

Any Ideas???



----- Shenan Stanley wrote: -----

Dan said:
I'm working on fixing a client's system, and am fairly
good at troubleshooting XP problems, but this one has me
CDR/W), installed properly (checked m/s/cs jumpers,
power's good, cables on correctly, etc.). Booting to a
DOS floppy with MSCDEX shows two drives, C: and D:, the CD-
ROMs and they both read disks fine, so no hardware issues
CD's appear to be corrupt. Neither drive appears in
Explorer/My Computer, and the Hardware list shows "yellow"
on the devices, and complains of the drivers either not
working or being corrupt. "Uninstalling" both CD devices
and then rebooting results in a redetection of the drives,
but a return to "yellow" status. The drives used to work
(when I previously did some service on the system 6 months
ago) but at some point in recent history "disappeared"
according to the user.
on an SP1 system, and I note (by the date/time stamp on
the drivers--in particular cdrom.sys) that those files
also appear to be replaced by/included in SP1.

Tried this?:

1) Log on with Administrative Privileges

2) Open the Registry Editor:
a) Go to Start then select Run.
b) Type regedit and click OK.

3) Backup you registry by:
a) Highlight My Computer by clicking on it once.
b) Click File (Windows XP) or Registry (Windows 2000), then Export
Registry File.
c) Select export range All; to ensure your entire registry is backed up
d) Select where you would like to save this backup, name the File, and
Click on the SAVE button.

4) Remove the Upperfilters and Lowerfilters values:
a) Go to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
b) Highlight this key by left clicking on it once.
c) On the right hand side delete the values Upperfilters and Lowerfilters.

5) Restart your computer.
Dan said:
I'm working on fixing a client's system, and am fairly
good at troubleshooting XP problems, but this one has me
The system has two CD drives (An ATAPI CD-ROM and a
CDR/W), installed properly (checked m/s/cs jumpers,
power's good, cables on correctly, etc.). Booting to a
DOS floppy with MSCDEX shows two drives, C: and D:, the CD-
ROMs and they both read disks fine, so no hardware issues
The problem is that the XP device driver file(s) for the
CD's appear to be corrupt. Neither drive appears in
Explorer/My Computer, and the Hardware list shows "yellow"
on the devices, and complains of the drivers either not
working or being corrupt. "Uninstalling" both CD devices
and then rebooting results in a redetection of the drives,
but a return to "yellow" status. The drives used to work
(when I previously did some service on the system 6 months
ago) but at some point in recent history "disappeared"
according to the user.
So the question is, how do I replace those files? This is
on an SP1 system, and I note (by the date/time stamp on
the drivers--in particular cdrom.sys) that those files
also appear to be replaced by/included in SP1.
Is there a different solution I'm not thinking of...

Shenan said:
Tried this?:
1) Log on with Administrative Privileges

2) Open the Registry Editor:
a) Go to Start then select Run.
b) Type regedit and click OK.

3) Backup you registry by:
a) Highlight My Computer by clicking on it once.
b) Click File (Windows XP) or Registry (Windows 2000), then
Export Registry File.
c) Select export range All; to ensure your entire registry is
backed up completely.
d) Select where you would like to save this backup, name the
File, and Click on the SAVE button.

4) Remove the Upperfilters and Lowerfilters values:
a) Go to
{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} b) Highlight this key
by left clicking on it once. c) On the right hand side delete
the values Upperfilters and Lowerfilters.

5) Restart your computer.
I am having the same problem with my missing optical drives. I
followed the instructions per Shenan Stanley but once I got to the
but I did not have the values Upperfilters and Lowerfilters. On the
right side I only have the following: (Default), Class,
EnumPropPages32, Icon, Installer32, NoInstallClass, SilentInstall,

Any Ideas???

You might Go to


Select 'Windows Utilies' and scroll down to 'Restore CD/DVD drives to
Windows Explorer.'

Perhaps his utility will do the trick. =)
I did try this fix...It did not work for me. Thanks for all your help though. I was able to do a combination of the things I read here and got the drives to be recognized under Win XP. However, I lost them again when I ran my burning program which is BHA B's Recorder Gold. This may be my problem

Thanks again!!

- TheWebMa

----- Shenan Stanley wrote: ----

Dan Neuwirth wrote
I'm working on fixing a client's system, and am fairl
good at troubleshooting XP problems, but this one has m
The system has two CD drives (An ATAPI CD-ROM and
CDR/W), installed properly (checked m/s/cs jumpers
power's good, cables on correctly, etc.). Booting to
DOS floppy with MSCDEX shows two drives, C: and D:, the CD
ROMs and they both read disks fine, so no hardware issue
The problem is that the XP device driver file(s) for th
CD's appear to be corrupt. Neither drive appears i
Explorer/My Computer, and the Hardware list shows "yellow
on the devices, and complains of the drivers either no
working or being corrupt. "Uninstalling" both CD device
and then rebooting results in a redetection of the drives
but a return to "yellow" status. The drives used to wor
(when I previously did some service on the system 6 month
ago) but at some point in recent history "disappeared
according to the user
So the question is, how do I replace those files? This i
on an SP1 system, and I note (by the date/time stamp o
the drivers--in particular cdrom.sys) that those file
also appear to be replaced by/included in SP1
Is there a different solution I'm not thinking of..

Shenan Stanley wrote
Tried this?
1) Log on with Administrative Privilege
a) Go to Start then select Run
b) Type regedit and click OK
a) Highlight My Computer by clicking on it once
b) Click File (Windows XP) or Registry (Windows 2000), the
Export Registry File
c) Select export range All; to ensure your entire registry i
backed up completely
d) Select where you would like to save this backup, name th
File, and Click on the SAVE button
a) Go t
{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} b) Highlight this ke
by left clicking on it once. c) On the right hand side delet
the values Upperfilters and Lowerfilters

TheWebMan wrote
I am having the same problem with my missing optical drives.
followed the instructions per Shenan Stanley but once I got to th
but I did not have the values Upperfilters and Lowerfilters. On th
right side I only have the following: (Default), Class
EnumPropPages32, Icon, Installer32, NoInstallClass, SilentInstall

You might Go t


Select 'Windows Utilies' and scroll down to 'Restore CD/DVD drives t
Windows Explorer.

Perhaps his utility will do the trick. =