Unable to Find Outlook Express Mailboxes


Eric D

The Outlook Express mail boxes on my new XP Pro machine
are not under any of the usual subfolders (there isn't
an "application data" folder, not under "all
users", "Idenities", "owner", or "windows"). In-fact,
searches for *.mbx, *.dbx, *.*bx, and "Outlook Express"
do not locate files that are certainly there (since I get
mail when I open up Outlook.

R. McCarty

Windows by default, hides protected operating system
files and others. This is to keep users from unintentionally
deleting them.

Open Windows Explorer, Tools, Folder Options,View.
From the options listings uncheck the following.
-Show Hidden Files and folders
-Hide Extensions for known file types
-Hide Protected operating system files

Afterwards, try your search again.

R. McCarty

On that listing I just posted, make one correction.
-Show Hidden Files and folders (Should be checked)

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