Unable to download files through IE6



I recently removed a file that hijacked my browser (the
webpage it was loading was www.hvkd.us). After serveral
hours of attempting to remove the file I was finally
successful. Everything seems to be working fine except
for one thing. When I click on a link to download a file
(.exe, .mp3 etc), Internet Explorer now loads a blank
page with "http:///" in the address bar. I know I can
right-click and select "save target as" if it's a link,
but if I have to click on a "button" to download
something I can't do it. Has anyone else experienced
this problem or know of a way to fix it? Any help would
be appreciated. Thanks!

Windows XP Home
256MB Ram
Internet Explorer 6.0


I have tried downloading every program that others have
posted to no avail. If anyone knows where the file is
that is causing this, I can take care of it from there.



Yes I am having exactly the same problem since yesterday and I too it was
related to a hijacked problem, where they redirected my Home page to their
search Home page.

I have reinstalled IE6 but that didnt solve the problem.

Would appreciate to receive advise how to fix that beside reinstalling the
whole Windows XP.

Thank you in advance

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

DD said:

Yes I am having exactly the same problem since yesterday and I too it
was related to a hijacked problem, where they redirected my Home page
to their search Home page.

I have reinstalled IE6 but that didnt solve the problem.

Would appreciate to receive advise how to fix that beside
reinstalling the whole Windows XP.

Thank you in advance

How to remove Coolwebsearch and affiliates

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
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