unable to delete qoobox

Jun 3, 2012
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I don't know what Qoobox is but it has magically appeared on my pc. I tried to delete it but got a message saying I had to get the administrator's permission. I am the administrator and nobody else uses this computer so how do I overcome this?
More importantly should I delete qoobox?
Have you ever ran Combofix on that PC in the past?
To answer your question, no I'd never used Combofix and had never heard of it. I didn't know Combofix and Qoobox were connected until I'd Googled it. I found Combofix and sent it to the recycle bin but Qoobox is adamant that it will stay where it is, dammit.
Download and install Combofix again. But DON'T run it.
Once you have done that open RUN from your start button.
Now type ComboFix /uninstall in the run box and click OK. Note the space between the X and the /uninstall, it needs to be there. Qoobox should now be gone. Re-start your PC and enjoy
Good Google skills. :)

But if combo fix isn't installed....?
I know mate, it was a bit tongue in cheek. :)

Seens thats the best option, i'm just curious how it came to be there if he aint ran CF before.... :/

Edit: Just re read the OP's second post, properly this time! It all becomes clear. :)
Well, I tried. Combofix turned into Webroot something or other and there was nowhere to type uninstall. I've managed to uninstall Webroot but Qoobox remains and gives me the same message as before.

I also found something called Yontoo which I didn't know about but I have managed to get rid of that.

What's the next suggestion?
Couldn't get very far with the link you sent so I tried to download ComboFix again from a different source. This time it arrived as ComboFix and not Webroot but I couldn't install it because it isn't compatible with 64bit and Win 7.

Meanwhile Qoobox remains.......
isn't compatible with 64bit and Win 7.

Combofix is compatible with 64bit Windows 7. See image below.

Use the Combofix site, scroll down to DOWNLOAD and click on it. YOu will be taken to the Combofix download page. Click on Combofix.exe, this will take you to Bleeping computers Combofix how to page. Scroll down to Combofix download link and click on it.This will take you to the download page. Download it and do as I said in my other post. Remember to disable any AV that you have running before you do so. Windows Firewall will be enough to protect you in the mean time. As the Combo fix site says. DO NOT DOWNLOAD FROM ANY SITE OTHER THAN BLEEPING COMPUTERS.
If you follow those instructions you will be free of Qoobox :cheers:


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The Qoobox folder is intentionally created and used by ComboFix when running the tool.

It is not created any other way than this ... you must run ComboFix.

The folder has a specific and legitimate purpose. When the folder is no longer needed the proper way to remove it is to uninstall the program (ComboFix) which created it.

Again, uninstalling ComboFix removes the directory along with all other aspects of the program.

If ComboFix was not removed properly, it is not uncommon that the Qoobox folder may be found months (sometimes years) later remaining on a user's system.

If you suspect some "nastie" has invaded your system, then PLEASE, go to BleepngComputer, they are very good at helping YOU remove unwanted nasties.

I downloaded CF again. And, again, I got the same message. Here's a screenshot:

Then I tried your CF Uninstall.exe and got this message:


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  • ScreenHunter_01 Jul. 12 14.46.webp
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Last try, then i suggest you post on the BC forums...


Then download OTC by OldTimer and save to your Desktop.
  • Double click on the OTC icon on your desktop.
    Vista/Windows 7 users right-click and select Run As Administrator.
    If you receive a UAC prompt asking if you would like to continue running the program, you should press the Continue button.
  • Click on the green CleanUp! button.
  • Click Yes when prompted to Begin cleanup process.
  • When it has finished, OTC will ask you to restart the computer.

-- Doing this will remove any specialized tools downloaded and used. If OTC does not delete itself, then delete the file manually when done.
-- Any leftover folders/files related to ComboFix which OTC did not remove can be deleted manually (right-click on it and choose delete).