By using 'Guest' account, I attempted to create another, a brand new account
for my cousin who may need e-mail box when she stays with me at X-mas time.
After having created both Mail and MS Newsgroup, a rectangular box popping
up in the middle of the screen, ....
"Server NOT found, .... "
I am unable to upload any for this, Guest Account although I did 'turn-on'
button by accessing Administrator which is mine.
What went wrong with this?
I did every possible way to succeed in creating 'Guest' account, but it's
still the same, .... keep popping-up 'warning' box.
Any suggestions would be great.
By using 'Guest' account, I attempted to create another, a brand new account
for my cousin who may need e-mail box when she stays with me at X-mas time.
After having created both Mail and MS Newsgroup, a rectangular box popping
up in the middle of the screen, ....
"Server NOT found, .... "
I am unable to upload any for this, Guest Account although I did 'turn-on'
button by accessing Administrator which is mine.
What went wrong with this?
I did every possible way to succeed in creating 'Guest' account, but it's
still the same, .... keep popping-up 'warning' box.
Any suggestions would be great.