unable to connect to the internet

  • Thread starter Thread starter blackie
  • Start date Start date


Unable to connect to the internet

I am using two computers in a network setup - one is Vista Home Premiu
operated and the other is XP professional.

Until three days ago I was able to connect to the Internet using
Router setup on the Vista machine and a wireless connection on the XP
Overnight something changed and when I started the Vista machine nex
day I received the message that no networks were available - the X
machine was also not receiving any signal. By unplugging the hard wir
from the computer I was then able to receive a connection on the X
machine. After shutting down and disconnecting the Router I the
attempted to run the WRT54G router setup wizard ver.8 - setup proceede
OK and the internet and LED lights were all lit - however at stage
after checking for computer settings I received the error message:

"unable to connect to the router - check that the router has bee
connected to the computer and that your ethernet adapter is working"

again by removing the hard wire connection I was able to receive
connection on the XP machine.

I have tried extensively to Google for a answer to the problem - whic
by the results seems to be quite an extensive problem to a lot of guy
- but being a "Newbie" a lot of the answers may as well be in a foreig

I did try to install and use a wireless card on the Vista machine bu
this still resulted in no connection to the Internet.

I assume that some configuration setting (s) has been changed someho
but short of reinstalling Vista I am at a loss how to proceed
Hopefully some kind soul will be able to help in terms that I ca
easily understand.

Regards and thanks to all

First unplug the Router from the electricity wait few minutes and then plug
it again.
There is two level of connection.
1. Computer connect to the Router.
The computer should be able to connect to the Router even if there is No
Concentrate on this aspect by following the manual, and do manual
configuration (leave the CD and the software to rest)
2. Internet.
Only when you are capable to connect with the computers to the Router there
is a point to try to resolve the Internet issue (it it is still a problem).
This page can help checking the Wireless part of the XP computer,
Jack (MS, MVP-Networking)
Jack said:
First unplug the Router from the electricity wait few minutes and the
it again.
There is two level of connection.
1. Computer connect to the Router.
The computer should be able to connect to the Router even if there i
Concentrate on this aspect by following the manual, and do manual
configuration (leave the CD and the software to rest)
2. Internet.
Only when you are capable to connect with the computers to the Route
is a point to try to resolve the Internet issue (it it is still
This page can help checking the Wireless part of the XP computer,
'Wireless Does Not Work' (http://www.ezlan.net/wireless.html)
Jack (MS, MVP-Networking)

"blackie" (e-mail address removed) wrote in message

Unable to connect to the internet

I am using two computers in a network setup - one is Vista Hom
operated and the other is XP professional.

Until three days ago I was able to connect to the Internet using a
Router setup on the Vista machine and a wireless connection on th
Overnight something changed and when I started the Vista machine next
day I received the message that no networks were available - the XP
machine was also not receiving any signal. By unplugging the har
from the computer I was then able to receive a connection on the XP
machine. After shutting down and disconnecting the Router I then
attempted to run the WRT54G router setup wizard ver.8 - setu
OK and the internet and LED lights were all lit - however at stage 8
after checking for computer settings I received the error message:

"unable to connect to the router - check that the router has been
connected to the computer and that your ethernet adapter is working"

again by removing the hard wire connection I was able to receive a
connection on the XP machine.

I have tried extensively to Google for a answer to the problem
by the results seems to be quite an extensive problem to a lot o
- but being a "Newbie" a lot of the answers may as well be in

I did try to install and use a wireless card on the Vista machine but
this still resulted in no connection to the Internet.

I assume that some configuration setting (s) has been changed somehow
but short of reinstalling Vista I am at a loss how to proceed.
Hopefully some kind soul will be able to help in terms that I can
easily understand.

Regards and thanks to all

Thanks Jack for your reply.

I probably didn't make myself very clear - sorry for that. I CA
connect to the router and the router CAN connect - wirelessly - to th
XP machine. the problem seems to be with Vista - either not picking u
the signal through a hard wire connection or wirelessly. Looks a
though I will either have to re-install Vista or go for another instal
of XP.
Anyway thanks for the link I will certainly have a read there.