Unable to connect to other computers through router



We have 4 computers on our home network: 2 Mac and 2 PC, all going through
the same router. In the past I have had no trouble connecting to the
workgroup and seeing the other computers, but for no reason that I can figure
out, this situation has changed. The networking wizard doesn't provide any
control over this situation.

Any solutions?


We have 4 computers on our home network: 2 Mac and 2 PC, all going through
the same router. In the past I have had no trouble connecting to the
workgroup and seeing the other computers, but for no reason that I can figure
out, this situation has changed. The networking wizard doesn't provide any
control over this situation.

Any solutions?

Well, this won't be too easy with 2 Macs in the mix. One of the most common
causes of this problem would be a misconfigured or overlooked personal firewall,
but there are other possibilities too.

If no help yet, provide "browstat status" and "ipconfig /all" from each Windows
computer, and the equivalent of "ipconfig /all" from the Macs (and you'll have
to figure out how to do that) so we can diagnose the problem. Read this
article, and linked articles, and follow instructions precisely:

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