Unable to clear AutoComplete Passwords & Forms


Mach XS1


I'm having problems clearing the passwords & form data retained via
AutoComplete. I access the AutoComplete dialog box Under
Tools->Internet Options->Content->AutoComplete and select either the
"Clear Passwords" or "Clear Forms" button. The result is similar for
either selection, the CPU loading climbs to 100% with the process
Isass.exe accounting for 85-95% of the load. This state is maintained
indefinitely until I kill IE. No passwords or form data is cleared! A
search on the MS Knowledge Base did not turn up anything.

Here is my setup:

OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Professional
OS Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1 Build 2600
System Model Satellite 1200
System Type X86-based PC
Processor x86 Family 6 Model 11 Stepping 1 GenuineIntel ~1196
Version 6.0.2800.1106 Build 62800
Language English (United States)
Cipher Strength 128-bit
Content Advisor Disabled
IEAK Install No

I also run Norton AV, and no virus activity has been detected on a
full system scan (virus def 3/18/04). No P2P apps have ever been
installed too.

Any suggestions? I hope the registry is not corrupted. Thanks in

Mach XS1

I ended up modifying the registry and re-installing IE. I am now able
to clear forms/passwords.

Thank you!

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