Unable to access mail or internet until logging off and on


Tom Gerling


I'm having a strange problem with an XP Home machine. The box is wired to a
DSL router that is permanently connected to the internet.

When I boot the machine, MSN Messenger connects right away with no problems,
but I CANNOT connect to any sites in a web browser (tried IE and Firefox) or
access my mail in OE.
The problem persists until i log off and on several times. After a number of
logins, both the browser and OE work fine. I have tried creating another
user profile, same problem. Any ideas where to start?




First off,why use msn messenger,its really designed for msn explorer,a
ISP....If you can connect to the internet,try downloading the
for youre internet hardware,you might also try typing the site you want to go
to in run (http://www.microsoft.com),then press enter.

Tom Gerling

its not my machine, and the owner wants to use msn messenger. the point is
that it connects right away, while other internet connections dont work.
same result when typing urls into the run dialog. drivers for the network
card are up to date, no connectivity problems with the router.

Tom Gerling

For what its worth - I fixed the problem. This behavior was caused by the
Hewlett Packard fax and print toolbox, a software that fires up an instance
of Java and Apache Tomcat to allow for web configuration of a printer/fax
device. The web server seemed to conflict with some of the internet traffic
in certain scenarios.


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